Welcome to the Interactive Biomaterials REU Program
May 31, 2015 – August 7, 2015
Syracuse Biomaterials Institute
Syracuse University – Syracuse, New York
Faculty located on the campuses of Syracuse University, SUNY ESF and SUNY Upstate Medical University.
Program Highlights
Eligibility: Undergraduate students majoring in the following disciplines: Engineering, Chemistry, Biology or Physics with an interest in Biomaterials Science. Most Students will have completed their junior year, although talented students with less experience will be considered for acceptance in the program. Students must be U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.
Stipend: All participants will receive a stipend of $5400 and on-campus housing at no additional expense.
Possible Research Areas: Students have the opportunity to do research in any of the following areas:
- Understanding bacteria-material interactions by surface engineering
- Functionalization of biomimetic interfaces via engineered proteins
- Control of Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery
- 2D and 3D Active Cell Culture
- Neurite Outgrowth on Substrates with Modulus Gradients
- Smart Drug Release: Furanone Release from a Shape Memory Hydrogel
- Designing Anticancer Drug Delivery and Gene Therapeutic Nanocarriers
- Mechanism of Antimicrobial Peptide Action on Bacterial Cells
- 3D Bioprinting
We are no longer accepting applications:
- Complete the application form, which can either be completed online, or you can download, print, and mail in a hard copy.
- The application includes a personal statement (one page) describing your career goals in scientific research and why you wish to participate in this program. For the online version, you may find it easier to compose the personal statement by using a word processor, and then copy/paste it into the form.
Online: Print a copy of the online form for your records, check the box indicating that you agree to the stated conditions, and submit the form.
Hard Copy: Make a copy of the form for your records, sign the bottom indicating that you agree to the stated conditions, and send the form to our mailing address, or PDF and email a copy to kplow@syr.edu
Only official university transcript will be accepted. Please mail transcript to REU Program Director, Jay Henderson, C/O Syracuse Biomaterials Institute, 318 Bowne Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244-1200
Letters of Recommendation:
Obtain two letters of recommendation from faculty members at your institution or elsewhere. These persons should be familiar with your academic and/or research abilities and should be able to judge whether you are suited for undergraduate research. Please contact your references prior to submitting your application. References may send their letters of recommendation (hard copy) directly to Jay Henderson or can email a PDF letter to Karen Low (kplow@syr.edu)